Friday, June 24, 2005

Doctors appointment

I am finally back from my dr.'s appointment. What a long long day. I had to do a 3 hour glucose and had a sono and had a prenatal. I got there a bit after 8 am and didn't leave until 11:30am. I hated that darn drink, but since I failed my 1 hour, I had to take the 3 hour glucose.
Since this is a new doctor, his timeline for tests was a bit different from the clinic I was first attending. The clinic gave me the 1 hour test at like 16 weeks. I also failed that and had to go back and take the 3 hour test.
Doctor Kellum's office does the same 1 hour test between 24 and 28 weeks, soooo, there I go again. Had the one hour, failed, and now the 3 hour test was next. I hope I pass it as I did at the clinic. I do not want to have GD. Yuck.
Anyway, the ultrasound was great. James was a cute as ever. I can't wait to hold him in my arms. He weighs about 4 lbs and 2 oz. He is measuring 3 weeks more than my actual dates. The doctor feels that we can still keep the same due date, which is fine, but I will secretly hope that James comes about 2 weeks early. Do you think thats possible? I hope so.
Chris Jr. is over the moon, because the spurs have won the world championship. He had me take him over to Academy to buy a championship tee shirt. Well, Academy was packed so we just went over to the booths that sell tee shirts at the corner. He was very happy.
Patrick, Nicholas and Victoria are a little apprehensive about starting school this year. They have been homeschooled for about 3 years, sooo, they are about worried, but excited as well.
Chris Jr is very excited to start school in the fall. He will be entering the 9th grade, we hope. He need to pass the TAKS test first. He has taken 2 exams and is practicing for the 3rd one, which is the math section. He is very worried about it. I think he will do well.
My dh has been working overtime now for about 3 weeks straight, so i hope that we can catch up on some bills. I hope we can, because we are way behind on somethings.
Oh well, thats life I guess.