Sunday, June 12, 2005

My first blog

wow, I can't believe I am actually starting a blog. I never ever thought I would do something like this. I have been reading so many lately that I though, what the heck I am going to give this a try. Bare with me as I learn the ins and outs of blogging.
I guess I should start by introducing myself. My name is linda and I am a currently homeschooling mother of 5. I say current because as things are looking, I might put my children back in school this fall.
I am also expecting my 6th child. The sonogram revealed boy parts! That makes 5 boys and 1 girl.
Currently, we are all anxiously awaiting the birth of either a nephew or a neice. Jessica and Sean are 35 weeks pregnant and have been experiencing premature labor. She is now 3 1/2 cm dilated and almost 100% effaced. She is on meds to stop labor, and has been on them for almost 4 weeks.
I say, stop the meds and let the baby come, I think 35 weeks is a safe time to deliever, and she has been in so much pain, its sad. I guess the doctor knows best...I guess.
Anyway, I told her that if her doctor stop the meds we could walk the mall until she dilates some more. It shouldn't be long to dilate a cm or two.
Jessica isn't due for about 5 more weeks. Becky and I decided to have her babyshower after the baby was born. Its set for July 17th. I think....I guess I better check huh.
Well, since this is about the walsh family, I guess I should say something about the walsh family.
My kids ages are ds 13, ds10, ds 8, dd 6, ds2.
My oldest will be going to a charter school in the fall. Its called The school of excellence in education. Its a charter school, with strict rules.
My other children are still wondering if they want to go back to school. If not, this might be our last year homeschooling. I will going to lvn school next fall (2006) and I will not have time for homeschooling anymore. Its sad, but I have to get a job, and help my family out.
Well, we will take it one day at a time.

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