Sunday, February 05, 2006

My lost post...

I guess I must have deleted my post titled really wasn't about homesteading. That was my original topic but I went of on a side thought.
I had been Visiting Teaching on Friday and that was what I was writing about...It was such a great experience.
I should say something about Visiting Teaching incase someone reading this has no idea what the heck I am writing about. I am a member of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" (a Mormon) and we have a program in church called visiting teaching. We are given a list of 3 or 4 sisters and two of us go every month to visit them, teach them a spiritual lesson and then we can see if they need our help on something or if we see something that they might be in need of we report it to the Relief Society President.
So I got a new companion and we went to visit a sister that was just added to my list. She is spanish speaking and the visit went great. The awesome part of it was that I had the lesson in English and I had to translate it to spanish...which is extremely difficult for me. I started off with the beginning of the article and I really butchered it..: (..but luckly I had prayed about what I should read and when I started to translate that just flowed out of my mouth like I had practiced for weeks...funny...I know that it was God who was doing it..and I hope that it helped the sister. I am sure she needed to hear those specific words and God knew that....
How wonderful...I love visiting teaching!!!

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