Monday, December 28, 2009

ouch..that hurt

I talked to my brother for over two hours yesterday. my adopted brother who took me to live with him then sent me to live with our sister who ended up sending me to live with my bmom...all in the span of about 1 1/2 years..don't know the actual time line, cuz I was like 7.
Well, he pretty much told me that he couldn't take care of me, so he sent me off to our sis. His wife was gonna have their first baby...and pretty much I was in the way. Then my sister was gonna have a suprise baby and well....again with the in a the way stuff.
He was honest..I shrugged it off...but inside I was a wreck.
Not sure how to feel. He is an adoptee he has the same feelings I do. I don't want to judge him. I just wanted to know the reasons for what happened..and now I do. was painful to hear. So..ouch!!!

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