Sunday, December 27, 2009

got up extra early

and what was the first thought in my head? "I wonder if he will call me?
Yep, he...who he? My adopted brother whom I just recently contacted after a 30 absence. Yep...30 years..I wrote him a letter and he called right away...and I called right back..talked...called again...talked for a second then he pawned me off on his Wife. What does that mean?
Should I call back? Maybe that's a clue that he doesn't want to talk to me, but then why did he call?
I lived with him for a very short while and then he sent me to live with our sister (this was after our mother died, I was about 7 or 8.)
I would love to get to know him again. I have questions he can answer..but I think he might have adoptee issues too...maybe..
So I will wait..maybe call him for New Years, maybe not. I might send him another letter...maybe not...not sure..a card maybe...Don't want to lose contact so soon.

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