Thursday, January 26, 2006

raving of a feminist, anitfeminist

ok...what the heck does that mean. Well, I label myself a feminist, but not as my bil calls them a feminazi. I subscribe to the original ideals of feminism. The idea of having a choice. I choose to stayhome and that is ok...I choose to go to work and that is ok too. I don't understand todays women who don't have the choice..they think they HAVE to be out working if they are true feminist. That women who choose to stay home are hurting the feminist movement. What...wasn't that the idea...the choice. I have the choice and its just as valid as the choice to go to work.
I have an equally important job. My job makes a difference. Why is it so wonderful to volunteer and give of your time for no pay, but a SAHM mother is wasting her time cuz she doesn't generate revenue. a feminist I appluad women who choose to SAHM...because apparently its not the choice of a feminist. Please...

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