Saturday, January 28, 2006

I had an quite a weird couple of days. I won't go into to much detail, suffice it to say, I had to spend about5 hours at a crisis center with my sil on Thursday. She is fine but wow, what a night.
Anyway, my daughter and I decided to make homemade laundry detergent. We actually got it made and are now using it for the laundry (what else). I think it is working pretty good. I am trying to become a bit more frugal and this is one way that I hope to do it. I am also going to start a garden this spring because I spent over $10.00 on fresh veggies. So, I hope to cut that down a bit. I allotted 80.00 dollars for groceries a week and I really want to stay around that price, but I would love to go even cheaper.
I am making fresh bread, homemade detergents, and hopefully I can start using household items for cleaning. Like baking soda and borax for scrubing.
ok the recipe I got off the net....
1/2 cup borax
1/2 washing soda (not baking soda)
1 cup grated bar of ivory
I used Irish spring

I will keep you posted on the experiment...shampoo's. Is it possible to make your own shampoo?